Check out My Grandma's Backyard metaphorical banner. Meaningful, mysterious and complete. Just perfect.

Thank you for your support:
Feeder.ro (Igu)
Feederro.ning.com (Manki)
Roxana Radu
Roxana Hodea from Tabu
Yazee.ro (Andreea)
Don't be shy. Go buy your tickets. Come try 'aiurea' on!
Don't worry, details on tent location, hours a.s.o., will follow shortly.
Ideea care sta la baza conceptului acestui model, este ideea de unitate, de cuplu care impreuna sunt 'energie vie'. Odata conectati, vor scoate flacari si isi vor face simtita prezenta pe ringul de dans si nu numai. Sunt pantofii ideali pentru clubberitele care simt electro, pentru domnisoarele glam….sau pentru business like ladies care simt energia uber cool
122, Calea Victoriei is where you find, in a Bohemian alleyway, the fancy boutique Ummagumma – a daring concept, which invites you to stand out the standard norms of mass products. Discreet but chic, the boutique brings a different vision to the urban fashion. From the interior design to the exposed collections, you will find here the imperious inspiration for reinventing and getting rid of the mass production tag.