More details of the project on Anais blog
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Just for a Good Cause...
We are very happy to participate to a dear project conceived by and run by Andra Pecingina aka Anais. Not only that we are participating, but we are also kindly asking you to be part of this charitable project. was born mainly for gathering funds to be redirected to a special charity project selected periodically. The rule of the bid is simple: the difference between the starting price and the last bid will be redirected to the selected charity organizations (there are 3 of such for this stage). Here you may find a few words about the ones in need
More details of the project on Anais blog
More details of the project on Anais blog
Aiurea shoes,
good cause,
Junkers were ZOO-ed

Thus, EcoAssist managed to gather in one place the artist, the nature, beauty and the one who cares about what it can be done to make a better environment for the young ones, if not for us all.

Atelier Aiurea chose to send the message through the objects that represent us most: the shoes. We wanted to ban somehow the BBQ made on the green areas as well as the pile of garbage left behind, so we were almost obliged to create the conceptual shoes 'don't make the fire in the wood'. Burned matches, cigarette ends, pieces of cardboard, they all found its place on the shoes made of plaster stone.

Playing with recycled materials, we managed to put together a slipper made out from corks only, as well as another pair of plaster stone (used for shaping) decorated with wasted fibers and cutting ups from the last year's newspapers.

In one word... we really enjoyed being part of this event! And, from what was heard in the media, you enjoyed it as well.. :)
In case you find this subject of interest, here are a few more photos from the event. And below is the press review:
Jurnal TVR
Happy Hour, "Moda Inedita" cut
Neata, Antena 1 - a post-event interview with Liana and Cristina
Pro TV news
Antena 3 news
Adevarul, Green coloumn
Green Report
Aiurea shoes,
Junk Made,
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Junk Made at the ZOO
We are happy to announce our participation to this ECO event which will take place on Saturday, from 10 a.m. at the ZOO (Baneasa area: 4 Vadul Moldovei Str). The artists will expose their work (here might be an example :) in a dry-reservoir and there will be lots of live artistic performances made out of garbage. So, bring your junks with you :D and your children also (beside yourself :)) See you there!

Thank you very much for your support:
roxana radu
andreea jivcovici
. . . . . . . . . .
Sambata, 17 mai, de la ora 10 dimineata, fetele de la atelierul 'Aiurea' va invita la
un event organizat de catre EcoAssist in gradina zoologica (Str. Vadul Moldovei, nr. 4). Acolo se vor expune obiecte realizate din gunoaie aka ziare, plastic, sticla, PET-uri, cutii aluminiu. Pentru realizarea 'operelor de arta' s-a mers pe ideea de prototip mai multe decat pe cea de functionalitate, in asa fel incat sa fie dezvoltata cat mai mult cu putinta partea creativa. Astfel ca vor fi expuse obiecte neobisnuite, atractive, decorative, din materiale reciclabile cum ar fi:
- pantofi fara flecuri reale, fara talpa si toc, ci din tifon, dopuri de pluta, ziar, mucuri de tigara si altele - 2 modele aici
- radiouri din cutii de lapte si alte ramasite de la tastaturi (si alte dispozitive) stricate
- opera de arta din ziare
Daca v-am trezit un pic curiozitatea, va asteptam cu mare drag sambata asta sa vizitati bazinul plin de 'gunoaie'

Thank you very much for your support:
roxana radu
andreea jivcovici
. . . . . . . . . .
Sambata, 17 mai, de la ora 10 dimineata, fetele de la atelierul 'Aiurea' va invita la
un event organizat de catre EcoAssist in gradina zoologica (Str. Vadul Moldovei, nr. 4). Acolo se vor expune obiecte realizate din gunoaie aka ziare, plastic, sticla, PET-uri, cutii aluminiu. Pentru realizarea 'operelor de arta' s-a mers pe ideea de prototip mai multe decat pe cea de functionalitate, in asa fel incat sa fie dezvoltata cat mai mult cu putinta partea creativa. Astfel ca vor fi expuse obiecte neobisnuite, atractive, decorative, din materiale reciclabile cum ar fi:
- pantofi fara flecuri reale, fara talpa si toc, ci din tifon, dopuri de pluta, ziar, mucuri de tigara si altele - 2 modele aici
- radiouri din cutii de lapte si alte ramasite de la tastaturi (si alte dispozitive) stricate
- opera de arta din ziare
- mozaic din faianta, gresie si sticla si un rinocer din cutii de aluminiu
- postere din ambalaje folosite
- picturi pe PET-uri si cutii de aluminiu
si altele
- postere din ambalaje folosite
- picturi pe PET-uri si cutii de aluminiu
si altele
Daca v-am trezit un pic curiozitatea, va asteptam cu mare drag sambata asta sa vizitati bazinul plin de 'gunoaie'
Aiurea shoes,
environment awarness,
Junk Made,
Hook-ed on a feeling
aka 'laundry style' :D

Available numbers: 35, 36, 39, 40

We'll also offer a pair of hooks for fancy exchange :)

Available numbers: 35, 36, 39, 40
In run for the Diet
ECO leather,
tailory meter,
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Our Junk-ies
Well... we were invited to take part in an Eco Project organized by Liana Buzea from EcoAssist. After a short brainstorming near coffee and cigarettes :) we came up with these conceptual shoes. Actually, we'll post only two 'pairs' for now, as the third one needs more bottle of wines to be opened :))
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