Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Alesia's coming home…

What Aiurea does is to offer the shoes and some photos for free to a public auction, the proceeds of which will be used to try to make Alesia smile again. If you want to help and to bid for an object you can access this link for the online Bazar. Beautiful people, go place a bid for her, for you…for a big home coming party...
If you are a manufacturer or you know one who wants to help, you can email Ada by the 5th of August on andreea_demirgian@yahoo.com.
If you just want to help with a donation, here are the bank details:
RO22 RZBR 0000 0600 0988 4200
RO98 RZBR 0000 0600 1063 2642
Conturi deschise pe numele Anghel Ana Magdalena
Agentia Lujerului
Aiurea chicks hug Alesia!
Links to this post:
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Big sale party... only at MGB! :)
Girls, girls, girls, the new edition of Grandma's is coming up, really soon if we might add - and we know we've all been waiting... so here she comes with new hot stuff for y' all.
As you probably already guessed, Aiurea will be there to hug her and kiss her…for there will be a celebration….big one actually. We’ll be prepared for you hungry-shoe-lovers with new discount prices …yes we know, the summer will be over soon so the discount season got us too :) So don’t just stand there, come on August 3 to Capitol Summer Theater to check out Grandma’s at its most.
Be anxious. Be very anxious! Cause we’re coming out to put some cool stuff under your feet.
Soo, we made some new friends…

So write there, share with us your dreamin' shoes…let’s see what cool gagicks can do together…for shoes of course :)
Be Aiurea!
We are officially opening Be Aiurea! competition with Spanzuratoarea and Hangin' Tough, pairs to be found in September edition of Glamour - you can find it in the press stores starting 20 August.
Concept: Jocurile copilarieri pot fi reinterpretate
Materiale: piele ecologica lacuita, vopsea, aplicatie material plastic masina/smiley
Model: Sandale plate, decupate in fata, catarama in fata si in spate
Numere disponibile
galben: 36, 40
negru: 35
alb: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
Modelul Spanzuratoarea doreste sa aduca un zambet pe fetele celor ce-si vor aminti cu nostalgie poate un joc foarte drag in copilarie. Pe un picior este aplicata solutia jocului, iar pe celalalt este desenata spanzuratoarea, exact ca pe vremuri :)), cateve litere fiind deja descoperite. Modelul poate fi purtat la orice tinuta de zi (si nu numai), fiind la o prima vedere un model " cuminte ", dar la o privire mai atenta poate fi accesoriul perfect pentru a invioara intreg outfit-ul.

you may also bid on these pairs at Licitatii.Flu.ro, a charity project run by flu.ro
or you can simply win one! by participating to the hotcity.ro competition
Hangin' Tough
Concept: Este modelul pentru curajoasele cuminti, care-si tin curatenie in
dulapul cu haine :))
Materiale: Textil, piele ecologica, aplcatie de panza si sarma imbracata
Model: Sandale platforme, talpa si toc imbracate in textil, aplicatie pe lateral/toc de schite facute pe panza, umeras in miniatura din sarma imbracata aplicat in fata
Numere disponibile
rosu-alb: 35, 36, 37, 38, 39
albastru-alb: 37
rosu: 38
Am conceput acest model cu gandul la corvoada indatoririlor “de femeie” si in ideea ca expunerea lor poate fi gandita ca si accesoriu pentru un model de sanda de vara, lejera, cu un model vesel, pentru ca dungile nu s-au demodat inca J. Si daca femeia e ‘menita’ sa spele, calce, usuce etc. atunci sa aratam simbolic barbatilor ca si din asta se poate face moda.
ZaZaZoo & Aiurea - doza ta de shopping on line
Well, yes, you could shop 'aiurea' everyday :) at least for the following three days! check this cool shopping store and you won't be disappointed. Three pairs of Aiurea shoes will follow shortly right here
On the 31 of July, you will find Walking the dog could be entertaining :)))
Concept – Unitate impartita…fiecare pantof are o identitate a sa, dar uniti creeaza o singura imagine…una amuzanta, de vara: o tanara domnisoara plimband catelul…
Material – Piele ecologica, aplicatii de panza pictata manual
Model – Balerin inchis, dungi alb-rosii
Numere disponibile- 35, 36, 37, 39

Friday, July 25, 2008
We were quite ‘aiurea’ at the Fortress..

We loved the purses, the dressed, we very much like Diana Osorhan… there were superb engravings, interesting photos, hand painted t-shirts, vintage printed wallets from Zaza and lots of crazy crafts. There was a little bit of everything: theater, violin recital, background 20s sounds between events… a bohemian atmosphere, flowing of freedom and youthfulness.

One in all, it was pleasant, fresh, chilly and stirring… What’s next ? :)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
'Aiurea' in the mountains, 'aiurea' to the seaside...

Yep, aiuritele have big plans for this summer... If till now, you were seeing us in the B-ig city, now it's time for the provence :) We'll start the tour with a trip to Rasnov. Nope, we won't climb the mountains nor taking long walkings in the chill forests, but we are going to the fair, to the HandmadeArt Fest. 19 - 20 July, 2 days event in Rasnov fortress, an event to which we are really honored we were invited. The fair is also organized for charity purposes, thus 10% out of the selling will be reallocated to the paining class of the Palatul Copiilor Rasnov. The participants will be from all over the country and we are convinced we'll see there many interesting works gathered in one place. Curious to see, try, buy?... :D
From what we've heard, you'll find in there a little bit of everything: painting, sculpture, painted furniture, photographs, ceramics, engraving. All handmade! There will be plenty of other works to be discovered at the premises, so we will be there by all means.
What about You? :D
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Jazz it... by night
Material – Piele ecologica lacuita, aplicatie de panza pictata pe toc, text pictat pe lateral
Model – Pantof peep-toe, deschis in spate, bareta si catarama mica la spate, toc aprox 5 cm, talpa 1 cm in fata
Numere disponibile - 35, 36, 37, 38
Sunt pantofii inspirati de vechile cluburi underground de jazz ai anilor 40-50 adusi prin aplicarea de panza pictata si mesajul scris pe pantof in era electro-jazz, acid-jazz, urban-jazz…just jazz. Desi la prima vedere pot parea sofisticati, Jazz it sunt de fapt o mini-colectie (Jazz it by day, Jazz it by night, Jazz it on and on, Pink the Sax - pentru doamnele care inca simt jazz…