Tuesday, December 2, 2008

InteresART gets aiurea

Yep, a new chic boutique is opened in the almost forgotten part of the old center, opposite to Jaristea Restaurant. Its name is Interesart and we simply couldn't resist to be a part of this challenging project even from its beginning. So, we took some pairs of shoes, some photos and some lamps and IN we stepped. We welcome you in this warm place as you will leave with a nice story for each and every item worked only by hands. With love. For you and yours.


Mo - Fr: 11.00 - 20.00
Sat - Sun: 10.00 - 15.00


Str. George Georgescu nr 45, vis a vis de Restaurantul Jaristea

Friday, October 24, 2008

In spotlight again - Unica magazine

Unica, November edition - on the market starting today
article written by Ioana Moldoveanu
foto by Zoltan Lorencz

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

just being honoured :)

"Aiurea Shoes, unul dintre cele mai cunoscute ateliere care imbraca intr-un mod ingenios pantofii, a acceptat provocarea de a participa la un proiect nou, unul dintre multele in care creatoarele sunt implicate. [Prin participarea la] concursul „Inspira prin gestul tau! Sustine tinerii artisti” Atelierul isi propune sa recontextualizeze pantofii in lumea designului de interior prin obiecte fanteziste, insolite si atipice aplicate neconventioanal. Atelier Aiurea Shoes "Revine la forme” prin comunicarea unor mesaje indraznete, unele pur ludice, altele spuse in gluma (dar serioase) si cu semnificatie puternica. Schitele si descrierea proiectului pot fi vizionate accesand site-ul.”

Romania Libera, 11 octombrie 2008
Redactor: Laura Bucur

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

REvenirea la forme

Ne-am hotarat sa mai acceptam o provocare si drept urmare va prezentam cel mai nou proiect al nostru inscris la concursul 'Inspira prin gestul tau! sustine tinerii artisti'. In cateva cuvinte, proiectul isi propune sa re-contextualizeze pantofii in lumea designului de interior prin obiecte fanteziste, insolite si atipice aplicate neconventional. Mesajele noastre pot fi indraznete, unele pur ludice, altele spuse in gluma (dar serioase) si cu o semnificatie puternica.

Gasiti schitele si descrierea proiectelor accesand acest link si daca va plac, ne puteti vota :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

V for vintage - preamble

"Şerbet, dulceţă de trandafiri, eşarfă cu buline, rochie de dantelă, viniluri, rock&roll, Cadillac...

Toate acestea au fost echivalentul a ceea ce astăzi înseamnă ipod, performance, blugi skinny, balerini, şi cam tot ce este considerat ca fiind foarte cool, fashionable şi actual. Acum ni se par passe, dar suspinăm cu nostalgie şi admiraţie când, pe stradă, o doamnă foarte cochetă n-a ţinut pasul cu vremurile noastre, ci cu ale ei, şi ne arată cam care era trendul acum 30-40 de ani.
Atunci oamenii îşi scriau impresiile în carneţele, pe foi parfumate, acum, totul se întâmplă pe blog [...]

Cristina, deţinătoarea proiectului „Naive Design” a lansat în primăvara acestui an, împreună cu două prietene bune, linia de pantofi adorabili Aiurea. „Proiectul «Aiuristic by Cristina Ivan» continuă cumva pa­siu­nea mea pentru lucrurile care ascund o poveste, care te ajută să îţi defineşti personalitatea, ba mai mult, te completează. Fără prea multe dureri de cap, îţi poţi găsi în casa mea cu fason piesa favorită (fie că este o geantă recondiţionată sau o rochie veche uitată în cel mai îndepărtat colţ al dulapului).

Printre aceste pie­se vestimentare recondiţionate se găseşte, aşteptând timid, în­ceputul unei alte vieţi, o mie şi una de alte lucruşoare «aiuristice» gata de a fi purtate.] [...]

You can read the whole article on the next edition of Tabu (on the market starting 1 October)

article written by Catalina Bolozan
source: tabu

V for Vintage, this fall

It's about time to meet you all for the new fall fair. Of course we'll have a great time, like we always have, but we do not want to bore you to distraction with our enthusiasm :) This time Atelier Aiurea will show you its extended concept from photography, handmade lamps to (of course) SH clothes and vintage accessories.

Do show up, as you will find a lot of 'dancing hands' who will show you the world of reinventing your style by choosing to continue the cycle of... the fashion story.

Details for booking the date:

Cafepedia, 2 Arthur Verona Street
Saturday, 11 October
between 12:00 - 20:00
after 20:00 vintage party with DJ Camil
Fee: 10 RON, one drink included
dress code: vintage

Want to find out more? Just press here

Sunday, August 31, 2008

'aiurea' on breslo.ro

Girls and... girls!! we are extremely happy to let ya know the opening of an online 'aiurea' store with a little help of our new friends from breslo.ro - a Romanian version of the Etsy store.

Thus, from now on you can easily purchase one of our shoes at a very good price! Just press here :)

Friday, August 29, 2008

ADfel de premiu 'aiurea'

Well, it seems we are one of the 5 winners of the Apple contest (out of 50). Yeyyyy! What can we say, we are happy we passed the test, as it was a real challenge for us managing this brand new 'area'.

All in one, we had a great time yesterday evening at the event, spending time with friends and colleagues, meeting nice people and making new friends. All the participants were awesome, very creative and friendly - some photos to be posted reallll soon

Here we present our work:

one lucky winner, (no.21) :))

and its loosing half, (no. 20 :)

Thank you all for your support!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

the future of your iPod can be in your hands

It's time to start working on something creative these days! No, it's not about the shoes (at least for now), it's about getting dressed the iPod. Yep, the nice guys from IQads are behind all this and they want to meet lots of crazy and original people presenting their ideas. So go make some cool hoodies and send a picture by email. Here you can find the info you need. Sooo, get started working on it!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Walk over politics

together with Zazazoo.ro! Today at least :) We know that -among many other things- you are also good at politics , but it's time to show them too.

Walk over politics…este indemnul ‘Aiurea’ pentru aceasta vara si nu numai, iar modelul acesta este dovada, daca mai era necesara, ca ‘fetele’ se pricep si la politica printre altele.

Daca ai convingeri politice nu trebuie sa eziti sa le afirmi…si asta in orice mod, fie de este cu ajutorul Pantofului

Material – Piele ecologica imbracata in material textil
Model – Pantof peep-toe, plat
Numere disponibile- 35, 36, 38, 40

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We were Target-ed!

Well.. it is not our first appearance in press, but it's surely our first ampleness one :)) Not to speak about the seriousness and business approach of the magazine! Could it be that serious?! :) We won't questioning ourselves anymore, as the reporter put them all to us :D

We had a great time with Sabrina, the photo shooting was oh so fun - we would like to thank Oana from Ummagumma for being such a nice host - and yes we ended up on a terrace talking about shoes, friendship, projects and experiences . The result: a 3 whole pages interview for the Trends column, New Business section.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Yep, it was all about Grandma's...day

Yes dear friends, we attended the 4th and greatest edition of Grandmas's Backyard so far. It was last Sunday at the Capitol Summer Theatre and celebrated both Gabriela's birthday and the summer big sales party.

The atmosphere was lovely as always as we were among old friends, artists, good music (thanks to DJ Lucas for making us dance in the middle of the day).

We had some furry companions during the day :))

The space was filled with artists as well as fashion and bargain addicts....we wellcomed them all

We were there with Aiurea Shoes.....but this time Cristina could not join us so we brought out her very cool pictures...

So anyway, after a very long and hot day, after meeting new artists, seeing the old B'est Fest friends, kissing Gabriela and wishing her the best and eating some of the surprise birthday cake...we packed our stuff said good bye and wished the next MGB won't keep us waiting so long:).

Just to prove you all we had a blast here are a few more pictures..

Keep it real... keep it Aiurea

Saturday, August 2, 2008

NOW it's time to help Alesia!!!

Dear friends, the auction began! Let's try to bring Alesia home, near her mommy and daddy. Thank you Catiut for your generosity, thank you all for help and involvement!!

Bid! Do some good! It's really needed and very much appreciated!

Kisses and hugs!

Friday, August 1, 2008

NEW on licitatii.flu.ro

Well, you can browse in here to do some quick and handy shopping ... it's easy, it's fun and you get to offer 10% to a charity project. all this, just by bidding on a must-have pair of Winehouse Slippers a.k.a. Rock Star :)

Concept – Inspiratie Amy Winehouse…putin glam, putin star, putin rock si cateva pastile...!
Material – Material textil, text pictat manual, punguta plastic cu medicamente (vitamine, paracetamol, metrocropramid etc :)

Model – Sanda/papuc inchis in fata, bareta elastica; poate fi purtat pe post de sanda - cu bareta dupa calcai, sau pe post de papuc - cu bareta peste picior
Numere disponibile- 35, 36, 37

Winehouse slippers sunt un model foarte 'indraznet', conceput in joaca pentru 'diva' care se ascunde in fiecare din noi. Sunt foarte comozi, usor de purtat, avand o culoare vie cu o tenta discreta de fir stralucitor, perfecta pentru a sublinia idea de glam. Si daca ai o zi proasta e posibil ca acesti papucei nebuni sa iti fie de ajutor…si sa iti ofere exact 'pastila' de care ai nevoie :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Alesia's coming home…

It's time for us all to do some good, at least for Alesia. Check out her story and you won't forget her that soon... she's lovely, she's fun, she's smart and she needs us.

What Aiurea does is to offer the shoes and some photos for free to a public auction, the proceeds of which will be used to try to make Alesia smile again. If you want to help and to bid for an object you can access this link for the online Bazar. Beautiful people, go place a bid for her, for you…for a big home coming party...

If you are a manufacturer or you know one who wants to help, you can email Ada by the 5th of August on andreea_demirgian@yahoo.com.

If you just want to help with a donation, here are the bank details:

RO22 RZBR 0000 0600 0988 4200
RO98 RZBR 0000 0600 1063 2642
Conturi deschise pe numele Anghel Ana Magdalena
Agentia Lujerului

Aiurea chicks hug Alesia!

Links to this post:


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Big sale party... only at MGB! :)

Yep, we'll do it for Grannie.. we'll do the sale part! :)

Girls, girls, girls, the new edition of Grandma's is coming up, really soon if we might add - and we know we've all been waiting... so here she comes with new hot stuff for y' all.

As you probably already guessed, Aiurea will be there to hug her and kiss her…for there will be a celebration….big one actually. We’ll be prepared for you hungry-shoe-lovers with new discount prices …yes we know, the summer will be over soon so the discount season got us too :) So don’t just stand there, come on August 3 to Capitol Summer Theater to check out Grandma’s at its most.

Be anxious. Be very anxious! Cause we’re coming out to put some cool stuff under your feet.

The party will be a crazy and funky, so do pass by - we assure you won't regret it! :)) Happy birthday, Gabi!

Soo, we made some new friends…

Yep, seems like we’re going places this summer. Couple of weeks ago two really cool chicks invited us for a cup of coffee (please note that Aiurea is really really into coffee….every day :). So we went and discovered Tabu girls, a new place in town for good coffee, good music, and great interior design (the name will probably be disclosed later on as we promised to keep it for us for the moment ), we mixed up a lot of good ideas, new projects and events to attend. So to make it quick check this out….

So write there, share with us your dreamin' shoes…let’s see what cool gagicks can do together…for shoes of course :)

Waiting for your dreams...

Be Aiurea!

Well, it's a fact... our shoes can't stay too much in one place :) That's why we decided to take them closer to you by participating to a few contests in printed magazines an on line.

We are officially opening Be Aiurea! competition with Spanzuratoarea and Hangin' Tough, pairs to be found in September edition of Glamour - you can find it in the press stores starting 20 August.



Concept: Jocurile copilarieri pot fi reinterpretate
Materiale: piele ecologica lacuita, vopsea, aplicatie material plastic masina/smiley
Model: Sandale plate, decupate in fata, catarama in fata si in spate
Numere disponibile

ciclamen: 35, 36, 39, 40
galben: 36, 40
negru: 35
alb: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

Modelul Spanzuratoarea doreste sa aduca un zambet pe fetele celor ce-si vor aminti cu nostalgie poate un joc foarte drag in copilarie. Pe un picior este aplicata solutia jocului, iar pe celalalt este desenata spanzuratoarea, exact ca pe vremuri :)), cateve litere fiind deja descoperite. Modelul poate fi purtat la orice tinuta de zi (si nu numai), fiind la o prima vedere un model " cuminte ", dar la o privire mai atenta poate fi accesoriul perfect pentru a invioara intreg outfit-ul.

you may also bid on these pairs at Licitatii.Flu.ro, a charity project run by flu.ro
Membru Licitatii Flu.ro

or you can simply win one! by participating to the hotcity.ro competition

Hangin' Tough

Concept: Este modelul pentru curajoasele cuminti, care-si tin curatenie in
dulapul cu haine :))
Materiale: Textil, piele ecologica, aplcatie de panza si sarma imbracata
Model: Sandale platforme, talpa si toc imbracate in textil, aplicatie pe lateral/toc de schite facute pe panza, umeras in miniatura din sarma imbracata aplicat in fata

Numere disponibile

rosu-alb: 35, 36, 37, 38, 39
albastru-alb: 37
rosu: 38

Am conceput acest model cu gandul la corvoada indatoririlor “de femeie” si in ideea ca expunerea lor poate fi gandita ca si accesoriu pentru un model de sanda de vara, lejera, cu un model vesel, pentru ca dungile nu s-au demodat inca J. Si daca femeia e ‘menita’ sa spele, calce, usuce etc. atunci sa aratam simbolic barbatilor ca si din asta se poate face moda.

ZaZaZoo & Aiurea - doza ta de shopping on line

Well, yes, you could shop 'aiurea' everyday :) at least for the following three days! check this cool shopping store and you won't be disappointed. Three pairs of Aiurea shoes will follow shortly right here

On the 31 of July, you will find Walking the dog could be entertaining :)))

Concept – Unitate impartita…fiecare pantof are o identitate a sa, dar uniti creeaza o singura imagine…una amuzanta, de vara: o tanara domnisoara plimband catelul…
Material – Piele ecologica, aplicatii de panza pictata manual
Model – Balerin inchis, dungi alb-rosii
Numere disponibile- 35, 36, 37, 39

Walking the dog, este un model casual, de vara, simplu, dar de efect, potriviti oricarei varste dar nu oricuiJ Ii poti lua sub talpi atat la terasa, cat si in parc, la mare, dar si prin orasul aglomerat. catelul de pe piciorul tau stang iti va tine de urat J si ii va tine la distanta pe ‘motanii’ nepoftiti.

Friday, July 25, 2008

We were quite ‘aiurea’ at the Fortress..

We were just recovering from the Biggest event this year, as we found ourselves in the car, ready to drive out of the city. This time we didn’t listen to any music, but we took advantage of the stillness while we were breathing not oxygen, but fresh air :)

Fist edition of Handmadeart Fest took place last weekend at Rasnov Fortress - it was the perfect timing for us to participate, as we helped talented kids as much as we could and we took advantage of the sunny panorama which we planned to see in a shortest time possible :)

And we got there. Fully equipped we would say : bags full of shoes, tables, extensible chairs, banner, pictures, lamps and all that jazz(y) things we might think useful and here we were climbing to the fortress. It was strange at first or we’ve just had to get used with the place (to much green fields and might do you harm when you live between exhausted pipes :(, a little bit crowded and stressy – as we had to walk to the fortress !!! Great, we said to each other, and we grab the luggage and here it started the adventure… it wasn’t too far away, but we were overloaded and the effort seemed inhuman… almost like a marathon… a complex one, considering the obstacles.

Anyway, here we were, unpacking… us together with our luggage… and from then on we started the festival. At least from our point of view :) We were really impressed by the organizers hospitality, they are a bunch of very nice and understanding guys (thank you !), the variety of the participants, by the pleasant familiar atmosphere throughout our staying and by the visitors who seemed very positively surprised to find at the fortress other facts beside the ‘ruins’. Yes, we met some mighty artists and great manufacturers. We loved the earing, can’t help not to make ourselves presents – only for the help of supporting the young artists - if we weren’t done this, who else should’ve done it ? :)

We loved the purses, the dressed, we very much like Diana Osorhan… there were superb engravings, interesting photos, hand painted t-shirts, vintage printed wallets from Zaza and lots of crazy crafts. There was a little bit of everything: theater, violin recital, background 20s sounds between events… a bohemian atmosphere, flowing of freedom and youthfulness.

Cristina thought it was time to take her photos for a short walk. It was a good start, as they were really well received :) Until now they were very quit spending time mainly on flickr – guess they should be more active we’d say :)

When evening came, we discreetly backed out for serving some hot ciorba and a glass of wine, catching about life, events, aiurea and friendship…

One in all, it was pleasant, fresh, chilly and stirring… What’s next ? :)